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Agreement To Share Commissions On Referrals



This agreement is effective as of [date effective], by and between [name of broker], of [address of broker] hereinafter referred to as broker, and [name of sales representative], of [address of sales representative] hereinafter referred to as sales representative.

The terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows:

1. The broker hereby agrees to pay sales representative [Commission percent paid to sales representative]% of commissions paid to broker for sales by the representative.

2. Sales representative agrees to introduce all persons interested in purchasing property to the broker.

3. This agreement is made for a [period of time of agreement] term, and can be terminated [days notice for termination] days written notice by either party.

In witness whereof, each party to this agreement has caused it to be executed at [location of execution] on [date of execution].

Signature Date

Signature Date